Set Up a Google Account

If you have a gmail address or youtube account, you already have a Google account. Since it can be more convenient to keep personal and work accounts separate, you will probably want to have one that you just use for work. It’s handy to be able to upload videos for students in your work youtube account, create and share slides for class in your work Google slides account, etc. so I do recommend having a Google account that you use exclusively for work.

If you’re like me, you have too many email addresses already! Don’t worry – you do not have to set up a new email address to start a Google account. You can use your existing work account by following these steps:

  1. Open an internet browser. Google Chrome works best. Safari works well, and Firefox works okay for most things too. Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge do not work well with Google Drive and will probably cause you multiple issues and frustration, so avoid using these browsers if possible.
  2. Go to
  3. You will see something that looks like this: Google drive login
  4. Click on “create account” and enter your information. When you get to the line that says “Choose your username” (highlighted below), this is where you can decide whether you want a new gmail address or whether you would like to use your current work email address. If you want a gmail address, you will create it here by typing a username (your address will be If you want to use your work email, click the blue “I prefer to use my current email address” link, and you can then enter your existing address. set up Google drive email
  5. That’s it! Google will send you an email to verify your account, and you are ready to go.

If you already have a Google account and gmail that you would like to link to your work email address, it is easy to add your work email to your existing Google account. This will allow you to sign in with either email address and also enable others to share Google Drive items with your work email.

Next: How to access the COPEC shared folder

See “get started with Google Drive” for more information directly from the Google help pages.

Previous: Google Drive Overview

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